You love horses -- or at least you love someone who loves horses. Why else would you come to our site? We, too, adore the beasts and especially those Paso Fino Horses who move with 400 years of mysterious genetics guiding their unique steps into the smoothest forward motion you will ever encounter. Oh, we'll explain all about their "gait" when you give us the chance.
Greener Pastures Ranch is committed to breeding, raising, training, showing and selling quality Pasos with the truest, purest heritage of gait available in this country. We've been doing it for 45 years. But you don't have to have longevity and experience to recognize a good Paso. Lack of discomfort in your behind and your back will assure you that you've had the smoothest saddle experience of you life. That'our Paso promise.
Greener Pastures has promising youngsters and proven show horses for sale plus a half century of information, experiences and fun to share for free. We know the breed. Stop by or call, look, listen and talk. (Bring carrots.) Next to horses, we like horse-people best.
Henrietta Ratliff was inducted to the PFHA Hall of Fame in 2003. She has been breeding and riding Pasos since the mid-60’s having one of the longest standing breeding programs in the US.
Henrietta has perfected her ranch management system in the nearly 40 years of ranch ownership. Henrietta can advise you on ranch layout as well as good documentation practices for breeding, shots, farrier, etc.
Robin Ratliff
has a history in the Paso Fino breed that dates back over 40 years and she
has made her mark in the equine world as a professional Paso Fino trainer
and an active member of PFHA. She is a life member and was a member of the
preceding organizations PFOBA and APF. In 2005 and again in 2007, Robin
was elected President of PFHA. Previous to that, she was President and
Board Delegate for the North Florida (formerly Everglades) PFHA Region.
She has also served on numerous national committees including the
Executive Committee, Judges and Stewards Committee, the Professional
Trainers/Horsemen Committee, the Youth Committee, Rules Committee, and the
Planning Committee. Robin is a Senior Certified Judge and has held a
judges' card since 1973. She is the youngest person to have received her
judge's card at the age of 17 and may currently be the longest
continuously standing judge in the breed. She is also a USEF recorded
In the show ring, Robin has earned over 150 Grand National, Reserve
Grand National, and National Championships; she is one of only a
handful of members who has shown in every PFHA Grand National
Championship Show, totaling 44 as of 2016. In 1989, Robin was voted by
her peers to receive the second Paso Fino Trainer of the Year Award.
Possibly though, her most prestigious award to date was being named one
of seven United States Equestrian
Federation (USEF), (previously
USA-E) Equestrians of Honor in 2002 receiving the C.J. "June" Cronan
In 2014 Robin
served on the Membership and Regional Liaison Committee.
Currently she serves on the Paso Fino Committee liaison to the
USEF (United Stated Equestrian Federation), she is Chair of the Rules
Clarification Committee, Chair of the Judges and Stewards Committee, and
she is a long standing Member of the Professional Paso Fino Trainers
Association (PPFTA)