I’ve known “Robin Ratliff” since 1992 when she and another rider rode my soon to be stallion to Grand National Championship and Reserve National Championship. Then every time I attended National’s I looked for her. She was a woman trainer in a sea of men trainers most of which were Latinos.
She was fearless and bold in her riding. She was as one with her horse. What ever she asked, the horse gave and 90 % were winners. She was always gracious but gave as good as she got in the ring.
Some years later I engaged in a working relationship with her. Then I learned how astute she was in the “Rule Book”; her core values as a founding member of PFHA & promotion of the Paso Fino; and her optimism. She was Trainer of the Year early in the process, voted upon by her peers.; she was recognized as Rider of the Year by USEF: and has many other awards. She has been involved and recognized as a leader.
When I watched her show in 2009 I decided if I was ever going to show (at 64) she would need to help me. That started my affiliation with Robin. Not only does she know horses, but also she knows people, she understands fears, way of thinking and anxiety. I’ve had many riding lessons by many teachers/trainers, but this was a whole new way of sitting, holding the reins, and getting the horse to go, turn, stop and in general go where I wanted him to go without seemingly any movement. Yes I did learn to ride after 6 years. I feel with my seat & hands, I ride at one with the horse; I imagine it and the horse implements. But I am not finished by any means, I will continue until I no longer can.
She is a Master for the armature owner; she only accepts the best you can do; she congratulates a good ride. She is as excited as you when things are great and she lets you know when they are not. She has an interest in how well her riders do, because that is a direct reflection on her work. She enters the contract with each student with a” can do it attitude” and does not stop until the task is accomplished. Charlene McFadden - Waverly, Missouri